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Without Opera

There are only products not brands

Opera style and product

Our internal team of stylists and designers develops products in line with the objectives stated by the client, from their design to their creation.

We offer the following services:

  • "Inspiration concept style" and trend mood boards
  • Color and materials proposals
  • Designing of collections of apparel, accessories and jewellery
  • Researching graphics, labelling, branding and artwork
  • Product development, fitting and technical information
  • Investigation of production sources
  • Visual merchandising
  • Packaging, workbooks and POP materials

Opera Italia Srl
Via Armedola, 22
35010 San Pietro in Gù (PD) Italy
T. +39 049 9430386

Iscr. Reg. Impr. 01849570039
R.E.A. PD - 331823
C.F./P.I. IT01849570039
Cap. Soc. € 10.400,00 i.v.

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